Alerta: Estatus de protección temporal para venezolanos cancelado por el Secretario de Seguridad Nacional Noem
Español Torregoza Legal PLLC Español Torregoza Legal PLLC

Alerta: Estatus de protección temporal para venezolanos cancelado por el Secretario de Seguridad Nacional Noem

El 28 de enero de 2025, la Secretaria de Seguridad Nacional, Kristi Noem, anuló el aviso del 17 de enero de 2025 que extendía una designación de Estatus de Protección Temporal (TPS) para Venezuela. El departamento volverá a la guía de extensión y redesignación de TPS que se anunció en octubre de 2023. Posteriormente, el 1 de febrero de 2025, la Secretaria Noem decidió rescindir también el TPS bajo la designación de 2023, lo que significa que el TPS y los beneficios relacionados asociados con la designación de 2023 finalizarán el 7 de abril de 2025. Obtenga más información en nuestra Alerta de noticias.

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Success Stories: 10-year green card issued to I-751 waiver of joint filing applicant from the Mexico
Families, Success Stories, Immigrant Petition Angela Torregoza Families, Success Stories, Immigrant Petition Angela Torregoza

Success Stories: 10-year green card issued to I-751 waiver of joint filing applicant from the Mexico

We recently received an approval for form I-751 removal of temporary conditions application with a waiver of the joint filing requirement for our client from Mexico, who obtained a divorce from his petitioning U.S. citizen former spouse, which was granted without a request for evidence and without an interview! Congratulations to our client!

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News Alert: Temporary Protected Status for Venezuelans Terminated by Secretary of Homeland Security Noem
News Alerts Angela Torregoza News Alerts Angela Torregoza

News Alert: Temporary Protected Status for Venezuelans Terminated by Secretary of Homeland Security Noem

On Jan. 28, 2025, Secretary of Homeland Security Kristi Noem vacated the Jan. 17, 2025, notice that extended a Temporary Protected Status (TPS) designation for Venezuela. The department will revert to the TPS redesignation and extension guidance that was announced in October 2023. Subsequently, on Feb. 1, 2025, Secretary Noem decided to also terminate TPS under the 2023 designation, which means that TPS and related benefits associated with the 2023 designation will end on April 7, 2025. Find out more in our News Alert.

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What are President Trump’s Immigration Executive Actions? What should I know about Presidential Actions on Immigration?
News Alerts Angela Torregoza News Alerts Angela Torregoza

What are President Trump’s Immigration Executive Actions? What should I know about Presidential Actions on Immigration?

The Trump Administration has initiated a number of executive actions related to immigration. This post summarizes some key points and provides recommendations for immigrants, their families and employers. Bookmark this post for up-to-date news and updates regarding President Trump’s immigration executive actions.

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News Alert: USCIS now requires I-693 Medical Exam to be submitted with I-485 green card application
News Alerts, Immigrant Petition Angela Torregoza News Alerts, Immigrant Petition Angela Torregoza

News Alert: USCIS now requires I-693 Medical Exam to be submitted with I-485 green card application

USCIS now requires certain applicants filing Form I-485, Application to Register Permanent Residence or Adjust Status, to submit Form I-693, Report of Immigration Medical Examination and Vaccination Record, with their Form I-485 or the Form I-485 may otherwise be rejected. Learn more in our News Alert.

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FAQ: Recursos Migratorios para Víctimas de Violencia Doméstica
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FAQ: Recursos Migratorios para Víctimas de Violencia Doméstica

La ley de inmigración de EE. UU. proporciona protecciones y recursos para los cónyuges extranjeros de ciudadanos estadounidenses y residentes permanentes legales que han sido abusados. Si eres víctima de violencia doméstica, es importante que sepas que no tienes que seguir viviendo con tu abusador. Lee nuestra entrada de blog para obtener más información sobre tus opciones migratorias.

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Formulario I-751: Eliminación de Condiciones Temporales para la Tarjeta Verde Condicional de 2 años (Residencia Condicional)
Families, Immigrant Petition, Español Torregoza Legal PLLC Families, Immigrant Petition, Español Torregoza Legal PLLC

Formulario I-751: Eliminación de Condiciones Temporales para la Tarjeta Verde Condicional de 2 años (Residencia Condicional)

Un residente permanente condicional recibe una tarjeta verde válida por 2 años. Para seguir siendo residente permanente, el residente permanente condicional debe presentar una petición para eliminar las condiciones durante los 90 días previos a la expiración de la tarjeta. La tarjeta condicional no se puede renovar. Las condiciones deben ser eliminadas o perderás tu estatus de residente permanente.

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¿Cómo corrijo un error o cambio mi información en mi I-94, permiso de trabajo, tarjeta de residencia u otro documento de inmigración?
FAQ, Families, Immigrant Petition Torregoza Legal PLLC FAQ, Families, Immigrant Petition Torregoza Legal PLLC

¿Cómo corrijo un error o cambio mi información en mi I-94, permiso de trabajo, tarjeta de residencia u otro documento de inmigración?

¿Notaste un error en tu documento de inmigración, como el permiso de trabajo o la tarjeta de residencia? ¿Ha cambiado tu información y necesitas actualizarla con USCIS y obtener una tarjeta actualizada? Descubre qué hacer en nuestras preguntas frecuentes.

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FAQ: What is the removal of temporary conditions Form I-751 process for conditional residents?
FAQ Torregoza Legal PLLC FAQ Torregoza Legal PLLC

FAQ: What is the removal of temporary conditions Form I-751 process for conditional residents?

If you have been married less than two years when you receive your permanent resident card (typically known as Green Card), you were likely given a conditional green card. which is different from the 10-year green card. Form I-751, Petition to Remove Conditions on Residence, is used by conditional permanent residents to remove the conditions on their residence and obtain a 10-year Permanent Green Card. Read our FAQ regarding this process.

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