TN Visa: A special visa for Canadians and Mexicans
Photo by Devon Hawkins on Unsplash. The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) created special economic and trade relationships for the United States, Canada, and Mexico. The nonimmigrant NAFTA Professional (TN) visa allows citizens of Canada and Mexico, as NAFTA professionals, to work in the United States in prearranged business activities for U.S. or foreign employers.
What is the TN Visa?
The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) created special economic and trade relationships for the United States, Canada, and Mexico. The nonimmigrant NAFTA Professional (TN) visa allows citizens of Canada and Mexico, as NAFTA professionals, to work in the United States in prearranged business activities for U.S. or foreign employers.
What are the requirements?
You may be eligible for TN nonimmigrant status, if:
You are a citizen of Canada or Mexico;
Your profession qualifies under the regulations;
The position in the United States requires a NAFTA professional;
You have a prearranged full-time or part-time job with a U.S. employer; and
You have the qualifications to practice in the profession in question.
What professions are covered?
Among the types of professionals who are eligible to seek admission as TN nonimmigrants are accountants, architects, computer systems analysts, dentists, economists, engineers, graphic designers, interior designers, lawyers, pharmacists, physicians, registered nurses, scientists, teachers and veterinarians. Click here for a complete list of professions covered under the NAFTA and minimum education requirements and alternative credentials.
What documents do I need to submit?
Nonimmigrant Visa Application, Form DS-160 confirmation page (if applicable)
Application fee payment receipt, if applicable
Photo for online Form DS-160.
A contract or letter of employment in the United States which includes: your purpose of entry; a detailed description of your anticipated business activities or job responsibilities; your anticipated length of stay in the United States; your educational qualifications or appropriate credentials demonstrating professional status; evidence of your compliance with Department of Homeland Security (DHS) regulations and/or state laws; and; arrangements for your pay.
Evidence of education and experience: degrees, diplomas, certificates, professional licenses, and /or membership in professional organizations, letters from former employers, or business records if self-employed.
What else should I know?
Canadian citizens are generally eligible for admission as nonimmigrants without a visa and can apply for TN nonimmigrant status at a U.S. port-of-entry. However, Canadian citizens residing in a third country with non-Canadian dependents will need a visa. For designated points of entry, follow this link to the U.S. Customs and Border Protection website.
Unlike Canadians, Mexican citizens require TN visas to request admission to the United States in this status. They will have to complete an online visa application form and attend a visa interview.
If you are a Canadian or Mexican citizen with a job offer in the United States to work in one of the listed professions covered under NAFTA, contact us, we can help. Follow us on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Tumblr, for up-to-date immigration news.
Torregoza Legal PLLC is the law firm for immigrants, by immigrants. We are founded on the motto of LegalEase: we do away with the legal jargon and make law easy to understand, so you can focus on what’s important to you – going for your American Dream.
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