News Alert: Important Update on Interview Waivers for Nonimmigrant Visa Renewal Applicants
Photo by Eduardo Barrios on Unsplash. To address the lengthy backlogs at consulates overseas, the Secretary of State, in consultation with the Department of Homeland Security, has determined that interview waivers for some nonimmigrant applicants are in the national interest. Find out which applicants are exempt from the interview requirement.
Renewal Interview Waivers
There are some Consular Sections that have a visa renewal process where applicants who qualify, may not require an in person interview. Eligibility is determined based on the answers provided to questions during the appointment scheduling process. However, consular officers reserve the right to require an interview for any visa applicant.
Applicants who qualify for the “Renewal Interview Waiver” process will be given instructions on how to courier-in or drop-off their documents at the selected consular section after completing the visa appointment scheduling flow through this website.
The specific requirements may vary by country, but in general to be eligible for renewal interview waiver processing, applicants must meet some or all of the following requirements:
Be renewing a visa issued in the country where you are applying that is either still current or expired within the past 12 to 48 months
Be a local citizen or permanent resident of the country where submitting the application and be physically present in the country
All 10 fingerprints were taken at the time the last visa was issued
The previous visa was not lost, stolen, or revoked
The most recent visa application was not refused
Meet other eligibility requirements as applicable
Visit the U.S. Embassy or Consulate website for country-specific information on the renewal interview waiver process at
Waivers based on age
In certain cases, consulates have a process to waive interviews based on age related criteria. Eligibility is determined based on the answers provided to questions during the appointment scheduling process. However, consular officers reserve the right to require an interview for any visa applicant.
Applicants who qualify for the “Interview Waiver” process will be given instructions on how to courier-in or drop-off their documents at the selected consular section after completing the visa appointment scheduling flow through this website.
The specific requirements may vary by country, but in general the following may be eligible for interview waiver processing based on age:
Applicants under the age of 14 or over the age of 79 (since they are not required to be fingerprinted).
Note: When applying for a visa in Mexico, the applicants need to be under the age of 7 years old to potentially qualify for Interview Waiver.
Consular officers may still require in-person interviews on a case-by-case basis or because of local conditions. We encourage applicants to check embassy and consulate websites for more detailed information about visa application requirements and procedures, and to learn more about the embassy’s operating status and services.
If you are planning to renew a nonimmigrant visa and have questions, please contact us for a consultation. We are here to help. Follow us on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Tumblr, for up-to-date immigration news.
Torregoza Legal PLLC is the law firm for immigrants, by immigrants. We are founded on the motto of LegalEase: we do away with the legal jargon and make law easy to understand, so you can focus on what’s important to you – going for your American Dream.
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