What is the B-1 Business Visitor Visa? Can I work or study with a B-1 Visa?
Photo by krakenimages on Unsplash. A B-1 Business Visitor Visa is a temporary visa granted to individuals who are planning to come to the United States to participate in business activities of a commercial or professional nature.
What is a B-1 Business Visitor Visa?
A B-1 Business Visitor Visa is a temporary visa granted to individuals who are planning to come to the United States to participate in business activities of a commercial or professional nature.
Applicants for visitor visas must show through documentary evidence:
That the purpose of their trip is to enter the United States temporarily for business or pleasure;
That they plan to remain for a specific, limited period;
Evidence of funds to cover expenses in the United States;
That they have a residence outside the United States as well as other binding ties that will ensure their departure from the United States at the end of the visit.
Do I need a visa?
Travelers coming to the United States for tourism or business (B-1 or B-2 category visa) purposes for 90 days or less from qualified countries may be eligible to travel without a visa if they meet the Visa Waiver Program (VWP) requirements.
Can I work with a B-1 Visa?
No. You cannot work or study as a B-1 visa holder. However, there are a variety of activities permitted a B-1 visa holder:
Consulting with business associates
Attending a scientific, educational, professional, or business convention or conference
Settling an estate
Negotiating a contract
Participating in short-term training
Transiting through the United States
This includes the following individuals and cannot draw any salary from a United States entity:
Athletes and sports teams attending tournaments, sporting events or professional tryouts
Investor seeking investment: e.g. survey sites or lease premises
Conference, meeting, trade show, or business event attendee
Exposition or trade show employees of foreign exhibitors at international fairs
Lecturer or speaker
Commercial or Industrial Service Engineer
Participant in training program not designed primarily to provide employment
Certain personal or domestic employees.
Can I study with a B-1 Visa?
No. You cannot study on a B-1 Visa. You must first change your status to F-1 or M-1 before you can enroll in a course of study. The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services recently issued Special Instructions for B-1/B-2 Visitors Who Want to Enroll in School, which provides additional guidance on this question. Essentially, if a B-1 visa holder enrolls in school before they change status to F-1 or M-1, they will have violated their status.
Do I need a lawyer to apply for a visa?
Not necessarily. Many people have successfully applied for their own visas. However, many applicants are also denied or refused a visa. This is a result of many factors, including the quality of information provided to the U.S. consulate or USCIS. If you have a previous denial, previous contact with law enforcement or immigration, and other concerns, we recommend seeking the advice of an experienced attorney who can assist you in the application process. Follow the link to the U.S. Department of State’s Business Visitor Center for more information.
If you have previously been denied a visa to enter the United States or would like to apply for a B-1 visa, please contact us, we can help! Follow us on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Tumblr, for up-to-date immigration news.
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