What are the E-2 Investor Visa treaty countries? How long can an E-2 Investor Visa be issued for?
Photo by Chris Lawton on Unsplash. An E-2 Investor Visa is for a citizen of certain countries who is coming to the United States to develop and direct the operations of an enterprise in which the person has invested a substantial amount of capital. Upon entry on an E-2 visa, investors are allowed a maximum stay of two years regardless of how long the visa is valid for.
An E-2 Investor Visa is for a citizen of certain countries who is coming to the United States to develop and direct the operations of an enterprise in which the person has invested a substantial amount of capital.
Upon entry on an E-2 visa, investors are allowed a maximum stay of two years regardless of how long the visa is valid for. At the end of two years, if the visa is still valid, they must then leave the country and reenter. For E-2 investors with multiple entry E-2 visas in their passports, they can leave the United States and reenter until the expiration date of their visa and each time they reenter, they are given 2 years in E-2 status. Click here for a downloadable pdf copy of the list.
Country Specific Footnotes
China (Taiwan) - Pursuant to Section 6 of the Taiwan Relations Act, (TRA) Public Law 96-8, 93 Stat, 14, and Executive Order 12143, 44 F.R. 37191, this agreement which was concluded with the Taiwan authorities prior to January 01, 1979, is administered on a nongovernmental basis by the American Institute in Taiwan, a nonprofit District of Columbia corporation, and constitutes neither recognition of the Taiwan authorities nor the continuation of any official relationship with Taiwan.
Czech Repubilc and Slovak Republic - The Treaty with the Czech and Slovak Federal Republic entered into force on December 19, 1992; entered into force for the Czech Republic and Slovak Republic as separate states on January 01, 1993.
Denmark - The Treaty which entered into force on July 30, 1961, does not apply to Greenland.
France - The Treaty which entered into force on December 21, 1960, applies to the departments of Martinique, Guadeloupe, French Guiana and Reunion.
Japan - The Treaty which entered into force on October 30, 1953, was made applicable to the Bonin Islands on June 26, 1968, and to the Ryukyu Islands on May 15, 1972.
Netherlands - The Treaty which entered into force on December 05, 1957, is applicable to Aruba and Netherlands Antilles.
Norway - The Treaty which entered into force on September 13, 1932, does not apply to Svalbard (Spitzbergen and certain lesser islands).
Spain - The Treaty which entered into force on April 14, 1903, is applicable to all territories.
Suriname - The Treaty with the Netherlands which entered into force December 05, 1957, was made applicable to Suriname on February 10, 1963.
United Kingdom - The Convention which entered into force on July 03, 1815, applies only to British territory in Europe (the British Isles (except the Republic of Ireland), the Channel Islands and Gibraltar) and to "inhabitants" of such territory. This term, as used in the Convention, means "one who resides actually and permanently in a given place, and has his domicile there." Also, in order to qualify for treaty trader or treaty investor status under this treaty, the alien must be a national of the United Kingdom. Individuals having the nationality of members of the Commonwealth other than the United Kingdom do not qualify for treaty trader or treaty investor status under this treaty.
If you are planning to apply for an E-2 Visa and have any questions, contact us for a comprehensive consultation. Follow us on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Tumblr, for up-to-date immigration news.
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