What is an E-2 Investor Visa? What are the requirements for an E-2 Investor Visa?
Photo by Ruthson Zimmerman on Unsplash. E-2 Treaty Investor visas are for citizens of certain countries wherein the applicant is coming to the United States to develop & direct a business in which the applicant has invested a substantial amount of capital.
What is an E-2 Investor Visa?
E-2 Treaty Investor visas are for citizens of certain countries wherein the applicant is coming to the United States to develop & direct the operations of an enterprise in which the applicant has invested a substantial amount of capital.
What are the requirements for an E-2 visa?
The purpose of this visa is to enhance or facilitate economic and commercial interaction between the United States and the treaty country. Citizens of these countries may qualify for an E-2 visa if they meet the following other requirements:
Applicant has invested or is actively in the process of investing
Business is a real and operating commercial enterprise
Applicant's investment is substantial
Investment is more than a marginal one solely for earning a living
Applicant is in a position to "develop and direct" the enterprise
Applicant, if an employee, is destined to an executive/supervisory position or possesses skills essential to the firm's operations in the United States
Applicant intends to depart the United States when the E-2 status terminate
Can I bring my spouse and children?
Yes, spouse and children may qualify for E-2 Dependent Visas to travel with or accompany to join the principal E-2 Visa holder. The dependents may have a different nationality than the principal. In addition, the E-2 spouse may apply for employment authorization and is not limited to working at the E-2 enterprise.
How long is the visa issued for?
An E-2 visa may be issued for 5 years, but depending on country of nationality, it may be issued for as short as 3 months. Upon entry on an E-2 visa, individuals are allowed a maximum stay of two years regardless of how long the visa is valid for.
To find out more about the E-2 investor visa, please follow the links below or contact us so we can help you determine if the E-2 visa is right for you. Follow us on Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Tumblr, for up-to-date immigration news.
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