FAQ: How do I change my name with my N-400 Naturalization/Citizenship application?
FAQ Torregoza Legal PLLC FAQ Torregoza Legal PLLC

FAQ: How do I change my name with my N-400 Naturalization/Citizenship application?

What is Naturalization?

Naturalization is the process by which a lawful permanent resident (Green Card Holder) applies for and is granted U.S. citizenship. U.S. citizenship is a legal status that offers many benefits and responsibilities, including the ability to vote in U.S. federal elections, serve on a jury, travel with a U.S. passport, and bring family members to the United States. Importantly, once obtained, U.S. citizenship cannot be abandoned or lost by spending extended periods of time outside of the United States (as is the case with permanent residence). In order to naturalize, generally speaking you need to wait at least 4 years and 9 months after obtaining lawful permanent residence before you can submit your N-400 application for naturalization (citizenship).

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Can I naturalize after three years of permanent residence based on marriage to my U.S. citizen spouse?
Families, Citizenship Angela Torregoza Families, Citizenship Angela Torregoza

Can I naturalize after three years of permanent residence based on marriage to my U.S. citizen spouse?

If you have received your permanent residence through marriage, you may not have to wait the standard 5 years of permanent residency to apply for citizenship. In this case, you may apply to naturalize (obtain U.S. citizenship) in three years, if you continue living in marital union with your U.S. citizen spouse and meet the other requirements for naturalization.

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Success Stories: 10-Year Green Card Granted for Conditional Resident from the Philippines.
Success Stories, Immigrant Petition Torregoza Legal PLLC Success Stories, Immigrant Petition Torregoza Legal PLLC

Success Stories: 10-Year Green Card Granted for Conditional Resident from the Philippines.

A conditional permanent resident receives a green card valid for 2 years. In order to remain a permanent resident, a conditional permanent resident must file a petition to remove the condition during the 90 days before the card expires. When the petition is approved, the applicant becomes a permanent resident and receives a 10-year green card. 

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Success Stories: Spousal Green Cards Approval for Haitian National previously on TPS
Succes Stories Torregoza Legal PLLC Succes Stories Torregoza Legal PLLC

Success Stories: Spousal Green Cards Approval for Haitian National previously on TPS

We are pleased to share that we recently secured lawful permanent residence (a green card) for our client, a Haitian national who previously held Temporary Protected Status (TPS) through his U.S. citizen wife. TPS provides temporary legal status, protection from deportation, work authorization, and may include advance parole for international travel.

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Top 10 FAQ on Marriage-Based Green Card Applications
FAQ, Families, Immigrant Petition Angela Torregoza FAQ, Families, Immigrant Petition Angela Torregoza

Top 10 FAQ on Marriage-Based Green Card Applications

What documents do I need to submit with my marriagebased green card petition? What questions will I be asked during the green card interview? How much do I need to make in order to file a green card petition for my spouse? I received a green card through marriage, when can I apply for citizenship? My spouse and I have divorced. Can I still continue with the green card process? Find out the answer to these and other frequently asked questions regarding marriage-based green card applications in our FAQ blog post.

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Form I-751: Removal of Temporary Conditions for 2-year Conditional Green Card (Conditional Residence)
Families, Immigrant Petition Angela Torregoza Families, Immigrant Petition Angela Torregoza

Form I-751: Removal of Temporary Conditions for 2-year Conditional Green Card (Conditional Residence)

A conditional permanent resident receives a green card valid for 2 years. In order to remain a permanent resident, a conditional permanent resident must file a petition to remove the condition during the 90 days before the card expires. The conditional card cannot be renewed. The conditions must be removed or you will lose your permanent resident status.

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What happens after I-130 approval? What is consular processing?
Families, Immigrant Petition, FAQ Angela Torregoza Families, Immigrant Petition, FAQ Angela Torregoza

What happens after I-130 approval? What is consular processing?

Form I-130 is used by a U.S. citizen or lawful permanent resident (LPR/green card holder) to apply for permanent residency for a qualifying relative who wishes to live and work in the United States and get a Permanent Resident Card (also called a Green Card). Read our FAQ discussing what happens next after the I-130 is approved for those with relatives abroad, the document review/gathering at the National Visa Center (NVC) and the consulate interview.

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What are required documents for an O-1 Extraordinary Ability Petition?
Nonimmigrant Visas, Artists Angela Torregoza Nonimmigrant Visas, Artists Angela Torregoza

What are required documents for an O-1 Extraordinary Ability Petition?

The O-1 nonimmigrant visa is for an individual who possesses extraordinary ability in the sciences, arts, education, business, or athletics, or who has a demonstrated record of extraordinary achievement in the motion picture or television industry and has been recognized nationally or internationally for those achievements. What are some required documentation for an O-1 extraordinary ability visa application?

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FAQ: What is a biometrics appointment? What can I expect during a biometrics appointment?
FAQ, Immigrant Petition Angela Torregoza FAQ, Immigrant Petition Angela Torregoza

FAQ: What is a biometrics appointment? What can I expect during a biometrics appointment?

The U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) will schedule a biometrics appointment after you file an application, petition or request. The biometrics you provide during your appointment allow USCIS to confirm your identity and run required background and security checks. Find out what to expect on our FAQ.

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FAQS: Can I work for multiple employers on O-1 Extraordinary Ability Visa?
Nonimmigrant Visas, FAQ Torregoza Legal PLLC Nonimmigrant Visas, FAQ Torregoza Legal PLLC

FAQS: Can I work for multiple employers on O-1 Extraordinary Ability Visa?

What is the O-1 extraordinary Ability Visa?
The O-1 nonimmigrant visa is for individuals who possess extraordinary ability in the sciences, arts, education, business, or athletics, or who has a demonstrated record of extraordinary achievement in the motion picture or television industry and has been recognized nationally or internationally for those achievements.

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What documents are required when proving a bonafide marriage?
Families, Immigrant Petition Angela Torregoza Families, Immigrant Petition Angela Torregoza

What documents are required when proving a bonafide marriage?

U.S. immigration law allows a U.S. citizen or permanent resident (green card holder) to file an immigrant petition to bring their spouse to live in the United States as a permanent resident. Many of our clients ask what type of documentation they need to show the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) to prove their family relationship. Here are our recommendations.

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Didn’t get picked in the Lottery? Here are 5 alternatives to the H-1B Work Visa
Nonimmigrant Visas, Immigration Torregoza Legal PLLC Nonimmigrant Visas, Immigration Torregoza Legal PLLC

Didn’t get picked in the Lottery? Here are 5 alternatives to the H-1B Work Visa

The H-1B program allows employers to hire nonimmigrant aliens as workers in specialty occupations or as fashion models of distinguished merit and ability. They must meet certain requirements, such as having a bachelor’s degree and special training. There are a limited number of H-1B visas available each year, typically 65,000 (regular cap) and 20,000 (advance degree). With the tremendous demand to participate in the program, you must be chosen in an H-1B visa lottery to be eligible to apply. Find out other options if you have not been selected in the H-1B lottery in our blog post.

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